Lachey sent out a tweet that #BoydLeeBeatdown was in need of a Q since him and Jag are out of town. YHC saw this as another opportunity to lead and jumped on it. Thanks to Strokes and Mr. Belding for bringing the barbells and weights. There were also plenty of KBs to go around so thanks for those that brought some. Gomer may have got more than he asked for when he asked for some heavy weight. I’m sure he is feeling it now, along with the rest of the PAX. For those still in a need of a KB, is the cheapest around. $36.48 for a 35 pounder with free shipping. Order here if interested:


Low Slow Squats

Good Mornings

Don Quixote’s

Arm Circles

The Thang

KB Circuit

Swings x 20

Merkins x 10 slow, x 10 fast

Row x 10 each

Clean Squat Press x 10 each

Single Legged Deadlifts x 10 each

Snatch x 10 each

Curl x 20

Tricep Extension x 20

OH Lunge x 10 each

20 min AMRAP

Squat Cleans x 5 (barbell) or x 5 each (KB)

Rows x 10 (barbell) or x 10 each (KB)

Balls to Wall Jump Ups x 5

200 m run

KB Circuit

Swings x 20

Hand Release Merkins x 20

Row x 10 each

Clean Squat Press x 10 each

Single Legged Deadlifts x 10 each

Snatch x 10 each

Curl x 20

Tricep Extension x 20

OH Lunge x 10 each

Run 200m

Prayer Requests: Those battling ALS (Papa Smurf, Chris Combs, another one of Wimpie’s friends who recently passed), Mr. Belding’s coworker having heart surgery, students finishing school strong, Praise that FDA approved first drug to slow down ALS, YHC successfully saying names of over 800 names at graduation, Gomer going to San Diego on May 15 for Marine boot camp, Strokes friend (family) fighting cancer just admitted to hospital.

Announcements: Mini Sasquatch tomorrow starting at #TheCommons at 5:30 AM. Run to #RunStrong to #CoopStronghold and back to #TheCommons. 5 min workout at each AO. Hatrick, YHC, Tater, and Spin Cycle are your Q’s. 5.5 miles will be covered. Hope to see you there!

Moleskin: To quote Easy Rider, he texted me after a workout I Q’ed a couple weeks ago saying, “You’re a good dude, but that Abu fellow sucks.” Haha I happen to agree as I have a love hate relationship with myself when I Q. However, if you want results, you need to work for them since there are no shortcuts to any place worth going. I’m just glad I have a group of brothers that I can lock shields with and embrace the suck together with. It is so much more enjoyable than going solo.

Kudos to San Fran and whoever else was a part of the Battleship flying headlock today. While finishing up our 20 min AMRAP, Battleship (FNG) was running around the Boyd Lee loop and got stopped by San Fran. When I got to the circle to get the group together for the next circuit, it was 7:15. We asked him he wanted to join and he excitedly accepted. San Fran also kottered Baby Ruth and got O Town (FNG) out there today. Talk about a successful Saturday for F3.

During the KB snatches, San Fran’s “Snatch” call was motivating yet historical that it made me think of this video:  Worth the watch.  Good thing we were able to laugh, because we all did.  Laughing just made the movement harder. Love you San Fran.

Great work by all who showed.

TClap |