When you get a bunch of men together to workout, some inappropriate things can be said, like referring to Mr. Belding as the creamy chocolate center to a reverse Oreo cookie for our Tri-Q at the Beatdown.  You see Lachey and his crew of merry men had to compete in the Cross Fit games this morning, so he needed a Q. Three of us volunteered, so the conversation moved from a 3-way to the reverse Oreo…

9 men posted for the EC ruck at 0500. That would give us time to stay under a 15:00 mile pace for 4 miles and have time for some fun afterwards. It was a good pace set by Abu and Tater.  Abu has that stride that even when we were double-timing it, he looked like he was casually walking his dog. The conversation was as brisk as the pace and we completed 4 miles in 58:15. That gave us 25 min to complete the Tater Tot (Q gets to name exercises as he sees fit): 5 burpees; 10 merkins, 20 flutter kicks every 1/4 mile. In total it was about 5 miles of Rucking this morning. That was before the warmup.

The Thang: We had 11 men for the Thang. There were three layers of 20 min to this Thang. YHC had the first layer of the Oreo. We started with an efficient Warmup of: SSH IC; Mustache Squats IC; and Slo-Merkins IC.

Then we were on to the JAG. This was the 2nd exercise YHC named for the day. The JAG is a brutally simple 5:10:15 partner exercise of 5 Partner Squats (fireman carry doing a squat) then carry 20 yrds; (then flapjack); Partner Lifts (partner sitting on the ground and is lifted to a standing position) then drag 20 yards (flapjack); then Partner Merkins. The Round was completed by a 400 meter run around the softball field. However, the Q was recovering from a blood sugar of 36 after the Speed Ruck and the directions were not quite clear. Still the power of the JAG was felt. Next it was on to the creamy chocolate center of the Tri-Q.

Mr. Belding felt it was appropriate to do the BEAR to continue the beatdown. The Bear consist of a clean, front squat, push press, backsquat, push press, weight back to hang position. Modification with dbs will be squat thrust push press. Combo is 1 rep. This is “easier than it sounds, hard as he’ll to do” according one noted scholar. This was done with a partner 400M run to keep time. After 2 rounds, everyone knew why it was called a Bear.

When asked what his role would be in the Oreo Cookie, Cousin IT replied with all the eloquence that he is known for “Farmer’s carries”. We proceeded to lay out all the coupons. It was a pick your poison kind of workout. Farmer carry the coupon to the building w/ an exercise at the wall before carrying back. We completed Mulekicks; Balls to the Wall; Irkins and then did it again just because the Q is a crusty, hard vanilla wafer to finish off this Oreo Cookie Q.

BOM/COT: Prayers for Cousin IT’s foster kids and the right decision; Prayers for the Crossfit Challenge guys; Gamecock, Joker, and G-String continue to recover. Cable and his upcoming Dr. visit. Manscape for him feeling well after the workout. Carol C. and her recovery from cancer surgery. Cracked Corn and Steamy as they start getting back. Papa Smurf for his continued strength.

Announcements: GrowRuck – Talk to Tater, T-Bone, or YHC – sign up by the end of the month.

Moleskin: (This moleskin includes the words of the 3 Qs) Today was Good Livin’ that sucks a little.  YHC marked out a 4 mile route hitting the neighborhoods just down Corey road from BLP. The idea was to double time it as we needed to keep about a 14:30 pace. We beat that. In fact, we had enough time for part 2, which is one of those teacher tricks that YHC always has in the back pocket incase we get done early. It was a great inside look into what the GrowRuck could be (minus the sand and Carterico/Wilmington/New Bern guys). We talked about all the unseen benefits of a post (leadership, confidence, etc). The age difference in pax is beneficial and wish it was available to us in our early years!

YHC continues to learn a lot in preparation of stupid acts to come. The hips are just as important as feet. YHC has the hip flexibility of Cousin IT when he first rolls out of bed, so Lachey’s post about Yoga means that the 5th day of Yoga and lots of stretching was needed. Today was also a reminder of the need to watch the blood sugar – a BS of 38 is not ideal for a GoRuck event. It boils down to the 5th F- Fuel according to F3GnarlyGoat (Yes there is a 6th F that YHC loves as well, but that is not appropriate for this backblast). The fellowship from the extra credit post and coffeteria was great. The chance to talk and laugh and watch Abu crush that omelette was priceless. Booty called Abu a “specimen” during his ECU days and listening to the fact that the omelette bagel (Yes, he put a whole omlette on an open face bagel sandwich) was his 3rd breakfast and talking to Hurricane, opened YHCs mind to the fact that fuel was something that was being neglected. Bottom line – our brothers hold us accountable by being accountable. No matter who you are there is something to share.

It was an awesome am, thanks guys! Some weren’t excited about it, but did it for the greater good! Getting to  Co-Q with some awesome guys was great. Want to do more. Next time we may look for the milk for the Oreo Cookie…

TClap |