YHC was super pumped when asked by String Bean yesterday to Q today’s Run Strong. 5:30 arrived with more PAX members than the temperature outside, 28 strong. The plan was to train with a few high intensity intervals. It went down like this.

20 Side Straddle Hops IC

20 Good Mornings IC

20 Imperial Walkers IC

Mosey down Elm Street, left onto 10th Street, left onto College Hill to pull up bars by the flood lot

Alternate route cut through Green Mill Run Greenway to pull up bars

Alternate with PAX doing sets of 10 of pull-ups for the 6.

Sprint up College Hill OYO

Good Mornings for the 6

Mosey to 14th Street, right on 14th Street, left on Charles Blvd. to the lower Minges parking lot

Plankorama for the 6

Partner Up with someone of similar speed for a little Catch Me If You Can

Partner A takes off up the hill, Partner B does 5 Gorilla Humpers and catches up to Partner A. Continue to top of parking lot and do Alternating Half Moons for the 6.

Partner B takes off down the hill, Partner A does 5 Gorilla Humpers and catches up to Partner B. Continue to bottom on parking lot and do Alternating Half Moons for the 6.

Partners Race up to the top of the parking lot, Squats for the 6.

Mosey up Charles Blvd., left on Greenville Blvd., left on Elm Street to hill on Brookgreen Road beside tennis courts

Alternate route cut through Ficklen Drive to 14th to Elm to Brookgreen Road.

Run up hill, 5 merkins, run back down hill, rinse and repeat for the 6.

Mosey to the shovel flag and performed the following until the 6 arrived

10 Merkins IC

20 WW1 Sit-ups IC

10 Merkins IC

Tonka we missed you as we had a couple minutes of Overtime ending at 6:17.

Prayer Requests

YHC’s neighbor had a successful brain surgery and is awaiting results on biopsy to determine whether or not it is cancerous, Tonka’s son is having tubes put in his ears today, Joe’s marriage decisions, all our lovely wives, Mr. Belding’s colleague over at Ayden Middle School who teaches 6th grade that suddenly passed away, safe travels during the holiday, Papa Smurf and his battle with ALS, Steamy’s recovery, and thanksgiving for all F3 has done and continues to do in our lives.


The Q juice was strong this morning. Hot Pursuit talked about it last week and he wasn’t kidding around. I encourage anyone who hasn’t Q’ed yet to step up to the plate and request to Q an AO to experience it firsthand. I’m definitely feeling it in my legs now as it was a challenging workout. Great work men.

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