Last minute Omaha – YHC is pinch hitting for a PAX member on IR

Warmup – Warmup before you arrive. Carry KB OH to parking lot.

2 teams (shorts and pants) – Team 1 ran a suicide on white vehicles while team 2 maintained a KB hold OH. Switcharoo.

Merkin Mania – Plank position and rotate right.  When halt is called the PAX member at Ol’ Glory leads a Merkin variation for 12 reps. We completed Merkins, Ranger Merkins, Werkins,  Sterkins, and DIamond Merkins.

KB OH carry to one line at the Crepe Mrytles. Lunge to next tree & 2 KB Sings, next x4, next x6, next x8, next x10, next x12, next x14.  Reverse lunge down the ladder.

KB OH carry back to circle

50 reps MUST be achieved on each exercise.  The # of sets are negotiagle BUT PAX owes YHC a Burpee for each time they rest.  For example 1 set of 50 is 1 Burpee while 5 sets of 10 = 5 Burpees. The exercises were chosen to challenge the PAX.  My goal to was to make our 1st F Q proud.  A new term was born…these were AAM exercises (Abu Approved Movements).  They were: Shoulder throws, Strict press, Swing-catch-squat, Single leg deadlift, and Windmills. KB OH while we wait for 6.

Same rationale on Curls, and Tricep extensions but PAX paid a Manmaker penalty for stopping.

6:15 – Do your ABs at home.


Glow Worms’ mother and her visit to the heart Dr. in Duke, Cousin IT’s family on the 1 year anniversary of his mom’s passing,  Watley’s twins, The Closed Hand’s family, Hot Spot’s C12 brothers and sisters, good conditions for The CoopStrong, Spinal Tap’s family, and Aquaman’s M.


CoopStrong and The Convergence, Sign up for the F3 Camporee May 4-5.

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