YHC has been administering final exams and participating in graduation procedures and was missing some good ole math.  What better thing to do on a Saturday than a math inspired beatdown?!

Warm Up:

SSH, Good Mornings, Merkins, WWI’s (x15, IC)

The Thang:

Mosey to the Tennis Courts for some Geometry!

4 corners consisting of Mountain Climbers, Wide Arm Merkins, LBC’s, and Squats (x20 each, OYO). Rinse and Repeated on the other side of the courts to prove congruence.  Rinse and repeated once more using the entire space of the courts (both sides) to show that it was a dilation of a scale factor of 2 and increased the reps to x40 to prove that.

Indian run to the Football Field/Track

With partners, switching off and running the perimeter of the track, 150 Ranger Merkins, 250 WWII’s, 350 Squats.  (The track’s shape is an ellipse.)

Mosey to the wall by the SF and did wall sits while partners ran to SF and back twice.  Once the six was in, we held balls to the wall counting down the line. (This formed a right triangle in honor of good ole Pythagoras.)

Finished off the beatdown with a 30 second Freddie Mercury.

COT/BOM: Safe travels for Bartman/Scotty Moe (I believe they made it back safely now), safe travels for YHC and M for anniversary trip coming up, Exams for Tiny D and Magic.  Check the website for announcements! Wall Street has VQ on Wednesday.

Moleskin: The PAX stuck with a serious math lesson and didn’t give up!

TClap |