Rock Block

When: 03/07/2020 QIC: Alfred the Butler Pax: Alfred the Butler, Bench, Pothole, Scotty Moe Extra Credit: Scotty Moe Warm Up: YHC was running a tad bit late and as I was turning into the parking lot adjacent to the site, the PAX was already on their way to meet me....

Change of Scenery

When: 02/19/2020 QIC: Alfred the Butler Pax: Alfred the Butler, Bartman, Scotty Moe We met behind the elementary school for a change of scenery. The rest was as follows: Warm Up: Good Mornings, SSH, High Knees, Butt Kickers (x15, IC each) THE THANG: Each PAX member...

Welcome Home!

When: 01/11/2020 QIC: Alfred the Butler Pax: Alfred the Butler, Bartman, Bench, Hoff, Scotty Moe, Zucker FNGs|Visiting Pax: FNG - Hoff Extra Credit: Bench, Scotty Moe, Bartman Warm Up: Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, SSH (X15 each, IC), Burpees (X10 OYO) THE Thang:...

Insert witty title here

When: 12/04/2019 QIC: Alfred the Butler Pax: Alfred the Butler, Bartman, Jackpot, Scotty Moe Warm Up: SSH, Bird Dogs, Good Mornings, Don Quixotes (x15, IC) The Thang: Mosey to Elementary school columns for wall merkins with rotations. First round, bear crawl to each...