Wednesday morning I was running with Tonka and Matlock and a thought came to me…..Tonka let’s Co-Q The Good Fight tomorrow.  Being out of breath he thought for a second and it was on.  I was excited because Co-Q’s are fun to do and mix it up.  The plan was made, the call on Twitter was put out about a mystery Co-Q and it was in motion.  Quite a few guys showed up for EC Ruck, Run and BROGA, but at 5:30 we hit it.

Grammar’s Part

SSH-8 IC Enough of that

Partner up and Buddy Drag to the well.(Last Time I Q’ed here we did this and people are still talking about it.  Figured we would give the people what they want!)

Same Partners complete the following movements:

Round 1:

Partner 1- 20 Goblet Squats

Partner 2- Rafter Pull-Ups for the 6


Round 2:

Partner 1- 20 V-UPS

Partner 2- Tricep Extensions

Round 3 and 4 Rinse and Repeat

Lap around the tear drop and circle back up.  Call was made for the Co-Q to come out, and Tonka came in and led.

Tonka’s Part

For Time Plankorama in between each round.

Round 1:

100 Push Press

EMOM(Every minute on minute) 40 yard sprint

Round 2:

75 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls(SDLHP)

EMOM 40 yard sprint

Round 3:

80 KB Swings

EMOM 4 Burpees

Flutter Kicks before round 2 and 3

Finish with Merkins, Sit-ups and American Gazelles

Prayer Requests:

Glow Worm and Job Prospects

String Bean’s Friend Brain Surgery

Grammar-State of Education

Hot Spot- C12 Brothers and Sisters, Business Situation and gaining clarity

Aquaman’s Friend and the birth of their baby.

Ma Bell

Twelve HIM traveling for the Mud Run and all participants for their safety.


Sasquatch July 28th, there will be a ruck option and of course the run option.  Pied Piper and I are leading the way so be on the lookout for details.  New routes and exciting stuff happening this year.

Three-Headed Hound Sunday-Commons, Monday-Collard Patch, Tuesday-Runstrong.  Post in the run sandwich.


This morning was fun and glad to plan and execute a Co-Q with Tonka.  During the prayer requests I mentioned a prayer for our school education system and the question was asked what was it about.  When you read the news and hear people speak about it, the first thing that is always said is “Teacher Pay.”  Yes, it is low and I get that, but for me the rally was much more than that.  When God gave me the call at 19 to change my major and pursue teaching, I did not go with it because I knew the salary was low and I was selfish.  As a 19 year old kid, I thought money was the most important thing so I did not listen.  I continued on the track and continued to do poorly in school.  After struggling, I finally opened my ears and listened and squeaked with my low GPA into ECU and enrolled in the teacher program.  From the minute I stepped into the classroom for a teaching experience and met the kids I knew I was where I needed to be.  After 2 years in the program and excelling with Deans List and Chancellors list, I graduated in 2010 and got a job and haven’t looked back and cannot imagine doing anything else.  My point is this, Yes, it would be nice to make more money, but the kids are the ones suffering by losing quality teachers, class sizes are outrageous and there are just not enough supplies for the students to excel.  These kids are our future and we need to be able to prepare them for the real world.  Not all are doctors, lawyers, teachers etc… but they need the skills to be successful at what ever they decide to to. Teaching is about the kids and I love every single one of them(although not always at the same time and some more than others!), and people lose sight of that.


TClap |