Warm Up

Alternating One Arm KB Swingx20 IC (10 each side)

One Arm KB Thrusterx20 IC (10 each side)

KB Cleansx20 IC

Alternating KB Side Squat Pass Throughx20 IC (10 each side)

KB Hammer Cross Curlx20 IC (10 each side)

KB Chest Press x20 IC (20 each side)

KB Lawnmower Row x20 IC (20 each side)

Overhead KB Backward Lunge Knee Raise x20 IC (10 each side)

KB Snatch x20 IC (10 each side)

KB RDLs Knee Raise x20 IC (5 left hand, 5 right hand, 10 both hands)

Now that we familiarized ourselves with the movements for the day, let’s get to work!

The Thang

Partner up and push each other

For time

1 mile run

Alternating One Arm KB Swingx20 (10 each side)

One Arm KB Thrusterx20 (10 each side)

KB Cleansx20

Alternating KB Side Squat Pass Throughx20 (10 each side)

KB Hammer Cross Curlx20 (10 each side)

KB Chest Press x20 (20 each side)

KB Lawnmower Row x20 (20 each side)

Overhead KB Backward Lunge Knee Raise x20 (10 each side)

KB Snatch x20 (10 each side)

KB RDLs Knee Raise x20 (5 left hand, 5 right hand, 10 both hands)

Prayer Requests: String Bean’s M in Atlanta, Glow Worm’s 2.0 Cooper broke his arm, Diane Austin’s GoFundMe (https://www.gofundme.com/diane-austin-medical-bills), praise for the number of PAX that posted today, injured PAX

Announcements: www.f3enc.com/announcements

Sasquatch: https://www.f3enc.com/backblasts/csaup/2018-sasquatch-pre-blast/

Moleskin: In case you haven’t noticed, YHC loves KBs. I particularly love taking ordinary movements and intensifying them with balance, stability, strength, speed, and mobility. I may get some sh!t for having some long ass names for exercises, but one thing you can’t dispute is they are ass kickers, literally. I want to thank the PAX for trusting me with the process and for working their tails off. I have seen some incredible growth in PAX’s confidence with the bells and improvement in their strength, speed, balance, and flexibility. Saturdays are something special at Boyd Lee. You can slow your mind and body down at #BrogaMeetsYoga and then rev it up for a KB beatdown. Come check it out for yourself. Thanks to Panther for bringing out 3 FNG’s.

TClap |