7 minutes at the oval (thanks RedBox!)

When: 07/09/2021 QIC: NoIDeer Pax: Arkansas, Boston Lager, Captain Obvious, Gazelle, Grout, Hot Spot (RESPECT), Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), NoIDeer, Punch Out, Roadrunner, S'mores, Tonka Borrowing from a Red Box Q a few weeks back, YHC decided to offer up a...

run through the line

When: 07/16/2021 QIC: Grout Pax: Arkansas, Cable, Captain Obvious, Cousin IT, Fin, Gazelle, Grammar, Grout, Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), Silverback (RESPECT), Tonka 800 meter warm up The Thang 1000 meter repeats for approximately 20 minutes, recover 200 meters after...

A Day at the Office

When: 06/25/2021 QIC: Arkansas Pax: Arkansas, Captain Obvious, Cousin IT, Grout, Punch Out, Roadrunner, Silverback (RESPECT), Strokes, Tonka Better late than never right?  YHC always loves attending and q’ing the oval so I was quick to put my name down for a q...

The Ovel Offise

When: 06/11/2021 QIC: Captain Obvious Pax: Abu, Cable, Captain Obvious, Fin, Grout, Madoff, Matlock, Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), NoIDeer, Rafiki, Silverback (RESPECT), Tonka Grammar was the original Q for this lovely morning beatdown, but he was unable to for...

Seven Minutes of Heaven with RedBox

When: 06/18/2021 QIC: RedBox Pax: Aquaman, Arkansas, Bono, Brass Monkey, Cousin IT, Hot Spot (RESPECT), Ma Bell, Madoff, Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), Petey, RedBox, Roadrunner, Silverback (RESPECT), Spalding, Spare Change, Strokes YHC came up with the Q swap idea to...