It was an honor to be asked by Mayhem to Q week 3 of the Farmville launch.  As always, It was my goal to challenge the fittest of PAX while keeping everyone together.  Also, YHC wanted to introduce some of the more popular F3 exercises to the newer PAX. YHC, Scotty Moe, Bartman, Rafiki and Tiny Dancer met for EC Ruck and finished up at about 6:50. It was great to see some F3ENC veterans in attendance ready to go.

The Thang:


10 Good Mornings IC

10 Don Quixote’s IC

Jack Webbs

1 Merkin IC 5 Hallelujah’s IC

2 Merkins IC 10 Hallelujah’s IC

3 Merkins IC 15 Hallelujah’s IC

4 Merkins IC 20 Hallelujah’s IC

5 Merkins IC 25 Hallelujah’s IC

YHC heard someone from the crowd say “it’s 7:05 and I can’t feel my shoulders”.  

Mosey to the rock pile grab a rock and circle up, this AO has some nice big juicy rocks.

Al always, Spinal Tap grabbed a huge rock so it was only fitting to let some other pax have a turn.  Curls for the girls 5 IC and 2 burpees rotate, total of ten rounds.

Mosey to the small hill

AMRAP back petal up and do 10 SSH or smurf jacks at the top and repeat

Mosey to the tirangle for Dora

100 Irkins partner lap around the triangle

200 dips partner lap

300 step ups partner lap (had to go with 200 step ups due to time)

Mosey to the tennis courts for Hindenberg BLIMPS

Round 1 – 10 Burpees at each corner ; Round 2 – 20 Lunges at eack corner; Round 3 – 30 Imperial Walkers at each corner; Round 4- 40 Merkins at each corner; Round 5 – Combine Plank Jacks and Squats 20 every other corner.

Indian run back to the flag for one round of Mary (flutter kicks)


Prayer requests:

King Pin’s sister cancer diagnosis

Jennay – 2 year old girl passing

Sandbagger – Hedgepeth family

Daniel San’s Mom lukemia diagnosis

Spinal Tap’s M and M-in-law

Yukon get well soon



Abu has the week 4 Q at Farmville launch. Snot waggler special.

Feb 24 3rd anniversary of F3ENC..see announcement for details

Feb. 3 GoRuck training with Bush and Bono TBA

New Wednesday AO at Farmville Middle School..Bad boy has the Q



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